This function takes as input bootstrapped values: Re estimates or others and builds uncertainty intervals from these bootstrapped values.

  original_values = NULL,
  uncertainty_summary_method = "original estimate - CI from bootstrap estimates",
  value_col = "Re_estimate",
  output_value_col = "Re_estimate",
  bootstrap_id_col = "bootstrap_id",
  index_col = "idx",



Bootstrap replicates of the original data. Must be a dataframe in the long format with a timestep index column named index_col, a bootstrap replicate index column named bootstrap_id_col, and a value column named value_col. The index column must not contain any NA value.


Optional. Values of reference used to construct the uncertainty interval around. Typically, these are estimates obtained on the original data. Must be a dataframe with a timestep index column named index_col and a value column named value_col. The index column must not contain any NA value.


One of these options:

  • 'original estimate - CI from bootstrap estimates'. The confidence interval is built using bootstrapped estimates and centered around the original estimates.

  • 'bagged mean - CI from bootstrap estimates'. The confidence interval is built using bootstrapped estimates and centered around the mean of bootstrapped estimates and original estimates.


string. Name of the column containing values.


string. Name of the output column with estimated values.


string. Name of the column containing bootstrap samples numbering. Id 0 must correspond to values associated to the original data.


string. Name of the index column. The index tracks which data point in bootstrapped values corresponds to which data point in the original values.


Arguments passed on to .summarise_CI_bootstrap


Values around which the confidence interval is going to be centered. Must be a dataframe with a timestep index column named index_col and a value column named value_col. The index column must not contain any NA value.


value between 0 and 1. Confidence level of the confidence interval.


string. prefix to add to output_value_col to name the column containing the upper limit of confidence interval


string. prefix to add to output_value_col to name the column containing the lower limit of confidence interval


A dataframe containing Re estimates (column 'Re_estimate') and confidence interval boundaries, with 4 columns like so:

  • index_col, the timestep index column

  • A column named output_value_col, containing the central values (typically these are Re estimates)

  • CI_up, upper limit of the confidence interval

  • CI_down, the lower limit of the confidence interval


This function is not meant to be needed by regular users. It is exported as it can be useful when building 'pipes': sequences of computations that weave together the different modules provided by estimateR.